ClickSell's Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy and want you to feel safe using our website. Here's what you need to know:

What information we collect

We collect your name and email address when you fill out a form on our website. We also use Google Analytics to track website traffic, but we don't collect any personal information through this service.

What we do with your information

We use your name and email address to send you emails about our products and helpful information. We never share your information with anyone else. If you want to stop receiving emails from us, just click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email.

How we keep your information safe

We take your privacy seriously and keep your information secure. Only our team members have access to your information.

Your rights

You have the right to ask us to delete your personal information at any time. You can unsubscribe from our emails using the link at the bottom of any email, or you can email us to request removal.

Updates to this policy

We may update this policy in the future, but we'll always respect your privacy and comply with any legal changes. If we make any updates, we'll post the new policy on our website.